Tag Archives: Dany Byrne

Looks Like Janelle Has a MOLE! But, wait, Where is Jeremy?

Holy Flaming Pepper Shots Batman!  What is up with this?  Now we have a new character introduced into the OSI Rock Star/eBay Live Mystery!  Mike the Mole, maybe we should call him Mike the Dimple – another Man in Janelle’s stable.  Notice he is wearing the costume de rigeur for all Rock Stars attending eBay Live.


Nina, our own 007 is already on to this one! If you are planning to attend eBay Live in Chicago, stay tuned for more to come on the Mystery Series, What’s Janelle’s Secret? filmed by the intrepid paparzzo Cindy Shebley using her new Flip Video Camera and produced by Dany Byrne of Ghost Leg Media. Not a Rock Star yet? Why not? Come on and join the fun! OSI Rock Stars plan to Rock the convention at eBay LIVE!